Getting a job in a regional area presents different obstacles and challenges than in the city … but it also provides numerous lifestyle benefits that can make it worthwhile. It all depends on your priorities.
In her article, Building successful careers in regional towns, Bobbi Ballas, CEO of Global BCD (which offers business and career development services), suggests that when considering a move to regional town or city, the question you should ask yourself is: How do you want to live?
According to Bobbi: “Deciding on your end vision can be fun and effective. Think of yourself as a business and your end vision as your mission or long-term vision statement.”
“Typically, businesses and organisations in Bendigo can’t offer a competitive salary package when compared to city salaries, but can offer a work-life balance, more affordable housing, great restaurants and a vibrant cultural scene,” says Katie Johnson, Founding Director of ESE Consulting.
“It is also a very connected community that welcomes those wanting to get involved … but if you enjoy the anonymity of city living, this might not be for you,” says Katie.
From an employment perspective, a more limited range of jobs also means you may need to have a more flexible approach to your career.
“If you are someone who likes trying new things and learning different skills, this trait will make you more suited to getting a job in Bendigo, because employers are often looking for employees who are willing to be multi-skilled and positive about taking on new challenges, if needed,” explains Katie.
Bendigo is a very vibrant and proud community, that sees itself as a contemporary and progressive place. The pandemic has had an impact, as it has across the country, but the community has risen to the challenge, pulled together and is determined to support one another through the storm.
“At ESE, we see the impact of this community spirit, because despite all the challenges brought by COVID, businesses are hiring at higher rates than normal,” says Katie.
Check out our current job listings here.